Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Getting Ready for Christmas!

 I am sorry I haven't posted anything in a very long time but I am not able to do any renovations at this time. But since it is past Thanksgiving I can start to decorate for Christmas!!! So far I have done my two window boxes and an arrangement that is below my tv.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Moved In

Well I have moved into my condo on the premise of renting it until it goes through. Here are some photos of my current stage of living in the space.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Headboard DIY

I found this old headboard at a yard sale for $15 and I really loved the shape.

I did not like the color of the wood with what I have for bedding and generally don't like dark woods in the bedroom. I found this photo on pinterest and loved the idea of mercury glass on a headboard. But I didn't want to add to much sparkle to the frame.

I used chalk paint in French linen on the frame and Kyron's Mirror Glass spray on the main piece. After applying a wax polish to seal the piece. As I was working with the spray I realized I wasn't going to get a fully reflective surface like a mirror. So I decided to not apply so heavily to allow the wood grain and some of the existing paint to be seen through. 


What do you think?

Saturday, September 29, 2012

First Post

This blog is going to be a record of my first year after graduation from college. My taste is Restoration Hardware but my wallet is salvation army. I am furnishing my first apartment and will be telling you where I buy the pieces and will show you the restoration hardware originals. I will also be documenting my clothes that I wear to help keep my shopping down. And lastly I will be sharing recipes that college kids and young professionals can afford while feeling like they are dining out.